Celebrating the Ladies of No Limbits

by Emily Kranking

March is Women’s History Month and it is a time to celebrate the women in our lives. So, how about we take this time to celebrate the women who run No-Limbits? Let’s see what being a women means to them as well as a couple of their women inspirations. Share yours with us on Instagram! 


Erica Cole

Job: Founder & CEO

State: Richmond, VA

5 Fun Facts About You

  1. I love scuba diving and am a certified Divemaster.
  2. I was the mascot for my university.
  3. One of my goals is to make it to all of the national parks and I'm just over halfway there.
  4. I'm a left below knee amputee and have an osseointegrated prosthesis.
  5. I did competitive ballroom dance in college.

What Women’s Month Means To You

Women's History Month to me is both a celebration of all that women have accomplished and a call to action for greater access to opportunities that have historically gone to men. 

What Being a Woman Means to You 

I've thought more this year about this question than I ever have in the past. Less than 2% of venture funding goes to female founders, and I've often felt on this startup journey that the path ahead might be more difficult than it would be for a male founder. I know I am uniquely qualified to bring my vision for No Limbits to life and that anyone who doubts me, due to my gender, isn't worth partnering with in the first place. Being a woman means being fearless and compassionate, brave, and empathetic. And it also means that I may have to work harder to fight preconceived notions about what a leader is, but I'm confident it'll be worth every second. 

Any Woman That Has Influenced You 

I had a professor in college who was also my first boss, and she was a huge inspiration to me. She genuinely cared for all of her students, led with curiosity, and didn't make any assumptions. She encouraged me to try all of the things I wanted to try and framed every mistake as a learning experience. I do my best to lead my team like she led hers. 

Bethany Marvel

Job: Product Design Lead/ Clinical Partnerships Manager 

State: Ohio

5 Fun Facts About You

  1. Child number 9 of 10 adopted children
  2. Goldendoodle mama 
  3. Bargain shopping queen 
  4. Forever a die-hard 90's pop fan
  5. I travel on my stomach

What Women’s Month Means To You

Women's month is about celebrating women everywhere: our bodies, accomplishments, goals, and those who influenced and shaped us to become the wonderful women we are today! Women's month also means celebrating the empowerment of being a woman! Women's representation of social roles (i.e. homemaker to transitioning to a supervisory position) has advanced, and we are considered just as equal/ powerful as men. 

What Being a Woman Means to You 

Being a woman means that I am unstoppable, fearless, strong, and beautiful! Girl Power!

Any Woman That Has Influenced You 

Lucille Ball - She possesses all the good qualities of being a woman I truly admire, "feisty, comical, witty, and unforgettable".

 Anna Peshock

Job - Director of Product Development

State - Colorado

5 Fun Facts About You 

  1. I've been a cast member on an MTV reality show. They even came and filmed a fake wedding in my parent's backyard! 
  2. I was one of the first Americans to be legally allowed to visit Cuba in 2013 during my Semester at Sea.
  3. I've done some pretty amazing things as a disabled athlete and sometimes it's really hard to remember to be proud of all that. Feelings are complicated when disability and symptoms are intertwined with moments of pride and success! I've won 2 national synchronized swimming medals, ran a marathon, done 5 half marathons, climbed a 14er, and hiked an active volcano in Chile.
  4. I've been sewing for 22 years. It's one of my greatest sources of joy and a skill passed down to me from my grandmother. I love making costumes and outfits with lots of color, glitter, and LEDs - one of my favorites was the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland
  5. I was always told I would never be able to scuba dive due to my health issues, and in 2022, my doctors finally signed off! My first dive was life-changing. I've always loved turtles and being able to swim alongside one underwater was beyond words. Basically moving to Bikini Bottom. 

What Women’s Month Means To You

For me, Women's Month is a good way to check back in and feel proud to be a woman and remember that women are powerful and I am so lucky to be surrounded by so many exceptional women! From Mom to colleagues, to friends and people all over the world, who inspire me to get out and live the life I want to live. Bills, disability, career, climate change, social justice, and just life are all really overwhelming. I take comfort and find strength in the women around me and Women's Month allows me to refocus and bring the amazing women in my life back into the spotlight. 

What Being a Woman Means to You 

Being a woman is synonymous with strength, empathy, and limitless creative power. We literally create life, we can do anything. Women have some seriously magical innate wisdom too. We just know things and use that knowledge to create supportive, loving, and just damn awesome communities. I haven't always been proud of being a woman and have often felt the pull of societal norms and the desire to conform to what society thinks we should be. It's only been within the past few years that I've been able to look at my own feminine power and take that beyond the surface level of what society thinks I should be. Even more recently, just in the past few months, I've been exploring how to use my feminine energy to promote healing in my body. As a woman I feel a great capacity for empathy, but I don't always use it on myself. I can have compassion for others, but not for myself and my disability. I'm changing that narrative and finding a lot of healing from it!

Any Woman That Has Influenced You 

I'm going to name my sister, Amanda. Sisters can be tough and we haven't always been that close. However, in our adult lives, she's become my best friend and someone I can be completely honest with. We just let each other exist as we need to and are unconditionally supportive of each other. We compliment each other well too, a bit of a yin and yang situation where we can draw on each other's opposing energies when we need it. She's really freaking cool and I'm so proud to call her my sister. If Amanda ends up reading this, stay strong. 

Jacklyn McClure

Job: Marketing Manager

State: Utah 

5 Fun Facts About You

  1. My fave color is pink.
  2. Blue Powerade is my fave drink.
  3. My wedding ring has my dog's ashes in it
  4. I can quote almost every episode of The Golden Girls.
  5. I can crochet! 

What Women’s Month Means to You

When I hear that Women's Month is approaching, I always think of Bea Arthur. She played 'Dorothy' in The Golden Girls. BUT, what most people don't know about her is that she spent 1944 and 1945 at USMCAS (US Marine Corps Air Station) in Cherry Point, NC, where she worked as a driver and a dispatcher. Upon her discharge in September 1945, Arthur had reached the rank of Staff Sergeant. She fought her whole life for women's rights and I hope to be half the woman she was.

What Being a Woman Means to You 

I think being a woman can feel so different to every woman-identifying person. You know, with it being Women's Month, I would like to think of a list of empowering things. But honestly, being a woman can be tough. Especially while we still live in a time where unfortunately, women can be seen as objects or lesser than men. So, being a woman to me means strength. Women are strong and always have been.

Any Woman That Has Influenced You 

This is tough because I have a lot of awesome women in my life, but for today I will talk about my aunt. She is the definition of a bad bitch in my opinion. She is just always there to help anyone in need and is so caring. She cares about people (and animals) beyond just her family and friends. I always will value her advice and I have looked up to her ever since I was a little girl and wanted to be just like her. 

Emily Kranking

Job - Communications Intern

State- Maryland 

5 Fun Facts About You

  1. I am a quadruplet! Yup, Mom and Dad wanted 1 more kid. They got the “buy 1, get 3 free” deal instead.
  2. I am an actress! I have a movie musical (Best Summer Ever) on Hulu and I just sung at the Kennedy Center!
  3. I have a daily chocolate bar.
  4. I love nothing, but girly dresses! Time to normalize them.
  5. I travel to NYC once a month to see a Broadway show :)  

What Women’s Month Means To You: 

It means to highlight the women that have changed our world from Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Judith Heumann to Michelle Obama. They opened so many doors and opportunities in our lives.  

What Being a Woman Means to You 

To continue the work of the ladies that have gone before us, to break glass ceilings, and to lift one another. As a disabled woman, I’m starting to realize my power and influence, and how I can use them to uplift young disabled girls, so they can know that they can be whatever they want to be with - and not despite of - their disability.

Any Woman That Has Influenced You 

My mom! She has been THEE biggest badass from Day 1 in my life, taking care of 5 children at once, taking me to doctor appointments and physical therapies to this day, and taking care of my grandfather, who lived with us and later on, my sick father. She’s so devoted and has the biggest strength that I personally know. 

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