Hi, I'm Erica!
And this is me a couple weeks before I wasn't able to wear my prosthetic anymore. All because I wanted to wear a pair of jeans. Nothing would fit over my prosthetic and I was sick of sweatpants, so I was cutting the leg off and stuffing it into my socket. (Spoiler alert - not a good idea!) I developed sores and was off of my leg for months.

While I was healing, I started altering my pants to work for me.
I installed zippers on my sewing machine and made other alterations to accommodate my prosthesis. Unknowingly, I was creating adaptive clothing. And after some of my amputee friends requested alterations, I decided to start a small alterations business.

But the most accessible version of this business was a ready to wear line.
So I launched the first No Limbits product on Kickstarter - at the time called the Amp Pant, and the product that would become our bestselling Unlimbited Pant. We met our goal in just 48 hours.

Not long after, we appeared on Shark Tank.
We told the Sharks how few options there were for disabled people in terms of accessible clothing. We started growing with our new parters!

Today, we're a team of people with disabilities creating products we wish existed earlier.
We celebrate every message we recieve saying that we've made life easier. Because it's our goal to see everyone live life with No Limbits.